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Friday, October 31, 2008

AQL Procedure

Note that the sampling sizes based on the load size are different between the Packing and Quality Audits. The following explains how to sample garments for each Audit.


Packing Audit  (Based on AQL 0.15 Normal, source: MIL Standard 105E)







          1   -      500





      501   -    1200





    1201   -    3200





    3201   -  10000





  10001   -  35000






To determine the number of cartons to be selected, first identify the declared quantity the garment manufacturer is planning to ship. From this quantity, the number of garments to be sampled for the packing check can be determined. Divide the sampling size chosen by the number of pieces per carton and the rounded-up result will give you how many cartons we need to select (at random) for the packing accuracy check.


e.g.:     Shipped quantity = 5000 Garments. Sample size = 800 Garments. Packed = 60 Garments / carton

            800:60 = 13.33 Cartons = 13 Cartons to be checked.


A decision about accepting or rejecting the load for packing accuracy should be made based on the  sampling plan, which is based on AQL  0.15 Normal. If the number of accuracy errors found during the packing is in the acceptance range, only the cartons with the errors need to be repacked. If the number of errors are in the reject range the whole shipment needs to be re-screened.

However our expectation is always zero tolerance.




Quality Audit ( Based on AQL 1.5 Normal , Level I , MIL Standard 105 E )


To determine the number of cartons to be selected, follow the packing formula above.

e.g.:     Shipped quantity = 5000 Garments. Sample size = 800 Garments. Packed = 60 Garments / Carton

            800:60 = 13.33 Cartons = 13 Cartons to be checked.



To determine how many pieces need to be sampled from each carton for the Quality check, first determine the sample size for the Quality check, based on the load size. Then, divide this sample size by the number of cartons selected, for the Packing Audit.







          1   -      280





      281   -    1200





    1201   -    3200





    3201   -  10000





  10001   -  35000







e.g.:     Shipped quantity = 5000 Garments. Sample size = 80 Garments (and 13 cartons selected).

80/13 =  6.15 garments per carton to be checked (so sample 6 garments each from 12 of the cartons and 8 garments from the 13th carton).

            Non conforming garments:        3 accepted

4 rejected


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